DEN BOSCH/VEGHEL - Two Veghel men will each receive 240 hours of community service for extorting Mark van S. from Schijndel. Van S. felt so cornered that he shot Daan Hoefs from Erp on April 25, 2018. Hoefs was the man on whose orders the two Veghelers threatened Van S..
The court in Den Bosch determined on Monday that there is enough evidence that the Veghelers, 29-year-old Boy van der E. and 37-year-old Sahal Y., played a major role in extorting Van S. On April 13, 2018, the latter was lured to Van der E.'s home with the excuse that they were "going to use drugs. Once they arrived, Van S. was confronted by Daan Hoefs, who had long believed he was still receiving money from the Schijndelaar. In the apartment, Van S. was threatened with a knife and Hoefs pressed a fake firearm against his head. To reinforce the threat, Van der E. smashed his own coffee table. Sahel Y., a man with an extensive criminal record, threatened him with a potato peeler.