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Current criminal case

Prosecutor in cassation against verdicts Valkenburg vice case (

The Public Prosecutor's Office is appealing in cassation against the ruling handed down by the Den Bosch court of appeal against six clients in the Valkenburg vice case. The six men were recently found guilty of sex with the underage 'Kimberly'. Where the prosecution wanted to see the men disappear behind bars for a certain amount of time, the court of appeal opted for one day in jail and community service.


During the trial in Den Bosch, a total of 23 men were convicted of sex with the girl. Four suspects were acquitted. The public prosecutor did not consider it necessary to appeal in cassation in all cases and made a selection. The selection took into account the seriousness of the abuse, the risk of repetition and the punishment pronounced by the court of first instance.

One day cell

The law states that people convicted of sexual abuse with a minor may not be punished with community service alone. The court mostly chose to send the men to jail for one day in order to still impose community service. This was because it would not have been proven that the men had knowingly chosen to have sex with a minor. The prosecution wants to know from the Supreme Court how the law should be interpreted.

Once the Supreme Court rules, there is no further appeal.

Notorious case

The prosecution's move is a new chapter in the high-profile Valkenburg vice case. The trial revolves around Kimberly, a 16-year-old girl who was forced into paid sex with dozens of men in a Valkenburg hotel room in 2014. Her pimp cum loverboy Armin A. was previously convicted.

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