Maastricht - A group of fifteen young men molested a father and his two sons in their home on Friday night. The police announced this yesterday.
The men forced the door and entered the house ana the Volksplein in Maastricht with clubs. The reason for the blows was allegedly a remark the brothers had made earlier that evening to one of these men. He had allegedly assaulted one of the brothers last year and the alleged perpetrator did not want to be addressed. Both the brothers and their father were beaten. When the mother called the police, the group drooped. Two men have since been arrested. In their home on Busketruwe, police found kilograms of hard drugs. Three men present in the house from Vlaardingen, Rotterdam and Krimpen aan de IJssel have also been arrested.
The court sentenced a 58-year-old man and a 60-year-old woman from Apeldoorn for a series of arson attacks in their hometown. They