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" You are not alone. "

Stijn van Merm graduated with honors in criminal law from Radboud University in Nijmegen in 2019. In addition, he has focused on administrative sanctions law, which was expressed, among other things, in his master's thesis on the initiative bill to ban "Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs.

Stijn van Merm's passion lies in criminal law practice. During his studies, he has already completed internships at renowned law firms, including Anker and Anker Criminal Lawyers. He also completed an internship with the District Attorney's Office. This combined with his work as a clerk in criminal cases at the Gelderland District Court allows him to assess cases from a different perspective.

In addition - as a working student at Dirkzwager Legal & Tax - he has dealt with issues including the closure of drug premises, as well as administrative fines and the Bibob Act. There he developed an affinity for issues in which criminal law and administrative law come together.

As a student, Stijn van Merm participated in the Summercourt talent program and won the 2017 National Student Punishment Competition.

Since September 2019, Stijn van Merm has been part of the team at Weening Criminal Lawyers where he was sworn in as a trainee lawyer in January 2020.

Stijn van Merm criminal lawyer In the media with current criminal cases

Stijn van Merm has registered the following main (and sub) areas of law in the Register of Jurisdictions of the Dutch Bar Association:

Criminal Law

By virtue of this registration, he is required to obtain ten training points in each registered principal area of law each calendar year according to the standards of the Dutch Bar Association.

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Are you becoming suspicious?

If so, contact a criminal lawyer directly 24 hours a day.

Weening Criminal Lawyers is a law firm you can turn to for both legal advice and the best representation in court.