Erik Maessen criminal lawyer

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Erik Maessen criminal lawyer

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" I do not sell nonsense; not to the court nor to clients. "

Erik Maessen studied Dutch law in Tilburg. During his studies, he worked at the s'-Hertogenbosch district attorney's office. After his swearing in in 2001, he worked at the law firm Moszkowicz in Maastricht for 6 years. After this he worked for several years at Weening Strafrechtadvocaten and Vonken & Szymkowiak Strafrechtadvocaten. Since June 1, 2021, he is again part of the team of Weening Criminal Lawyers.

Erik Maessen has extensive legal knowledge. His ready knowledge of law and case law make him a thorough lawyer. He puts this to good use in his pleadings and cassation submissions. Reason why he has been a member of the Association of Cassation Lawyers in Criminal Cases since April 2012.

Erik Maessen criminal lawyer In the media with current criminal cases

Erik Maessen has registered the following main (and sub) areas of law in the Register of Jurisdictions of the Dutch Bar Association:

Criminal Law


  • Criminal Law

By virtue of this registration, he is required to obtain ten training points in each registered principal area of law each calendar year according to the standards of the Dutch Bar Association.

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If so, contact a criminal lawyer directly 24 hours a day.

Weening Criminal Lawyers is a law firm you can turn to for both legal advice and the best representation in court.