criminal law course 2023 criminal lawyer

2. criminal law course 2023 criminal lawyer

3. criminal lawyer course criminal law 2021

criminal law course lawyer

A day focusing on practical tips

We are hosting another criminal law course this year where legal knowledge, practical tips and culinary enjoyment come together.

Tijdens deze cursus zullen wij onder meer spreken over actualiteiten straf(proces)recht, straffen en maatregelen, actualiteiten in zedenzaken, verweren op vorderingen van benadeelde partijen en verkeersstrafrecht.

We are honored to have Mr. Ybo Buruma, justice of the Supreme Court of the Netherlands, as a guest speaker. Prior to joining the Supreme Court, he was a professor of criminal (procedural) law at Radboud University Nijmegen.

We will talk with him about his years on the Supreme Court and his views on the law.

Achieve culinary 8 po points in one day

Throughout the day, you are going to be culinary pampered at star level by chef Servais Tielman and his team at restaurant Beluga Loves You* Maastricht.

The course is full!

Course on vice in criminal law Restaurant Beluga

Course dates

November 4, 2025
9 a.m.-6 p.m.

Course location

Beluga Loves You*
Square 1992 12
6221 JP Maastricht

Course fee

€600, - excl. VAT

Impression Criminal Law Course

Register for the criminal justice course

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