Central Netherlands court
contact court Midden-Nederland
The district of District Court Midden-Nederland includes the following municipalities and is divided into 5 regions. Find out on the case division regulations page where you bring cases and at which court district court Midden-Nederland handles your case.
From the former district courts of Utrecht and Zwolle-Lelystad (Lelystad location), the District Court Midden-Nederland was created on January 1, 2013. It has jurisdiction in first instance in its district. This means that the court is the first authority to give a legal opinion on a case or conflict. Thereafter, a litigant (for example the convicted party or the Public Prosecution Service (om.nl)) can appeal to the Arnhem-Leeuwarden Court of Appeal. Midden-Nederland District Court employs about 175 judges and 580 other permanent staff.
Contact details District Court Central Netherlands
Visiting address Lelystad
Station Square 15
8232 DL Lelystad
Tel: 088 362 00 00
Visiting address Utrecht
Lady Justice Square 1
3511 EX Utrecht
Visiting address Almere
The Diagonal 37
1315 XK Almere
Visiting address Amersfoort
Station Street 81
3811 MH Amersfoort
Opening hours Central Desk
Monday-Friday: 8:30-17:00 a.m.