East Brabant district court 's-hertogenbosch contact
contact East Brabant District Court
The district court of Oost-Brabant has 2 locations: 's-Hertogenbosch and Eindhoven. The case distribution regulations of the district court of East Brabant (officielebekendmakingen.nl) state which cases are heard at which location.
East Brabant District Court has jurisdiction in first instance in its district. The court employs over 600 people, including about 140 judges. The remaining employees provide legal or administrative support or are specialists in the field of business operations or facility management.
Our advice / tip
Never make a statement to anyone from the police before you have consulted with an attorney: neither as a suspect nor as a witness. This applies even when the police officer is not sitting in front of a computer. The police may write down anything you say, even when you are not in an official interview situation.
Contact details East Brabant District Court
Visiting address 's-Hertogenbosch (Palace of Justice).
Leeghwater Avenue 8
5223 BA 's-Hertogenbosch
Tel: 088 362 10 00
Visiting address Eindhoven
Town Hall Square 4
5611 EM Eindhoven
Opening hours Central Desk
Monday-Friday: 8:30-17:00 a.m.