1. Amsterdam Court of Appeal
2. Amsterdam Court of Appeal contact
3. Amsterdam Court of Appeal address
Gerechtshof Amsterdam handles appeal cases from the Amsterdam and North Holland courts, except social security and civil service cases (Centrale Raad van Beroep) and other administrative law cases (Raad van State).
Every year, the Amsterdam Court of Appeal handles about 11,000 cases. The court employs 350 people. The Amsterdam Court of Appeal is located in the Palace of Justice on IJdok.
Our advice / tip
Never make a statement to anyone from the police before you have consulted with an attorney: neither as a suspect nor as a witness. This applies even when the police officer is not sitting in front of a computer. The police may write down anything you say, even when you are not in an official interview situation.
Contact details Amsterdam Court of Appeal
Visiting address
IJdock 20
1013 MM Amsterdam
Tel: 088 361 11 10
Opening hours Central Desk
Monday-Friday: 8:30-17:00 a.m.