2. PI Rotterdam de schie
3. PI Rotterdam hoogvliet
The Penitentiaire Inrichting Rotterdam (PI Rotterdam) consists of the two locations; De Schie and Hoogvliet (formerly Stadsgevangenis). The Penitentiaire Inrichting Rotterdam (PI Rotterdam) consists of the two locations; De Schie and Hoogvliet (formerly Stadsgevangenis). On this page you can find general information about PI Rotterdam. In the right column you can click on the locations De Schie and Hoogvliet for location-specific information.
Together with location Hoogvliet, De Schie forms the Penitentiaire Inrichting (PI) Rotterdam.
The De Schie location was realized in 1989, to a design by Carel Weeber. The colorful character of the building, both outside and inside, is striking. De Schie has been designated a "Spirited Property. The capacity is 286 cell spaces in different regimes: Prison, House of Detention, Extra Care Facility (EZV), Management Problematic Detainees (BPG) and the Terrorist Unit (TA).
Contact details PI Rotterdam - De Schie
Postal address
PI Rotterdam, location De Schie
P.O. Box 11377
3004 EJ Rotterdam
Tel: 088 07 31100
Visiting address
Prof. Jonkersweg 7
3041 JL Rotterdam
The Hoogvliet location (formerly Stadsgevangenis Rotterdam) together with the De Schie location form the Rotterdam Penitentiary Institution. The Hoogvliet location was put into operation in 2002 with the aim of reducing the nuisance in the municipality of Rotterdam caused by judicial addicts. Currently the location houses the regimes prison, House of Detention, Institution for Habitual Offenders (ISD) and Very Restricted Secure Institution (ZBBI).
Contact details PI Rotterdam - Hoogvliet
Postal address
PI Rotterdam, location Hoogvliet
P.O. Box 584
3190 AM Hoogvliet
Tel: 088 07 31400
Visiting address
Koddeweg 100
3194 DH Hoogvliet