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According to Hardi N., prime suspect in the terrorism trial of a group of Arnhem jihadists, it was an AIVD security service infiltrator who
Justice is demanding prison sentences of up to 20 years against the Arnhem-based terror group suspected of preparing an attack on
Prosecutors have demanded up to 20 years in prison against Arnhem terror suspects. The case features six men between
https://nos.nl/artikel/2337820-om-eist-tot-20-jaar-cel-tegen-arnhemse-terreurverdachten-ernstigste-zaak-in-jaren.html The defendant(s) in this case are assisted by:
https://www.rtlnieuws.nl/nieuws/nederland/artikel/5156406/hoofdverdachte-arnhems-terreurproces-doorbreekt-stilzwijgen The defendant(s) in this case are assisted by:
Committing an attack in the Netherlands? No, say the suspects in the major terrorism trial of six Arnhemmers, we were only on
In the extra-security court in Rotterdam on Friday, footage was shown of the four terror suspects who in 2018 in Weert
https://nos.nl/artikel/2337044-beelden-getoond-van-uitwisseling-wapens-en-aanhouding-in-terrorismeproces.html The defendant(s) in this case are assisted by: