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The Public Prosecutor's Office today demanded nine years in prison against two men from Zoetermeer who were preparing an attack
ZOETERMEER - "Cupcakes" and "watching soccer. These were code words used by the two terror suspects from Zoetermeer while talking about
ZOETERMEER - In 2019, 22-year-old Sahand I. from Zoetermeer went on vacation to Iraq to learn
The two Zoetermeer men suspected of having prepared terror attacks in the Netherlands in 2019 did so today in the
The debate over the legality of EncroChat's chats collected in France is beginning to play out across a range of
encrochat legal challenge 1. Introduction The moment the evidence in a criminal case consists (in part) of EncroChat messages that are
The terrorist cell that planned a major attack in the Netherlands is appealing. This applies to all six convicted
The six terror suspects arrested in September 2018 at a vacation park in Weert must serve up to seventeen years in prison