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The Public Prosecutor's Office (OM) on Tuesday demanded prison sentences of three and four years against two terror suspects from Eindhoven. Seven other
Two of the nine men arrested in Eindhoven last September on suspicion of terrorism have been charged with the offence.
Eindhoven 'terror cell' - The prosecution is wrestling with how serious the terrorism aspirations of an Eindhoven group of friends are. Private videos give
The nine men arrested in Eindhoven last September on suspicion of terrorism may have been making extreme statements,
ROTTERDAM - Three terror suspects were sentenced Tuesday on appeal to prison terms of up to 16.5 years. The trio prepared with still
The Eindhoven terror suspects are released. The prosecution initially believed that the nine men may have been planning a
The men were arrested last September because the prosecution had received signals that they were planning an attack.
ROTTERDAM - The Public Prosecutor's Office has demanded up to 20 years on appeal against three Arnhem terror suspects who in September