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https://www.rtvutrecht.nl/nieuws/1989525/om-eist-celstraf-tegen-zwemleraar-uit-utrecht-voor-ontucht-met-jong-meisje.html The defendant(s) in this case are assisted by:
Moroccan hotel employee Karim O. (38) is suspected of a long series of assaults and attempts to rape women. Justice
An officer from Singapore is suspected of multiple rapes in Maastricht. This Raf S. (29) stayed in the provincial capital for
https://www.ad.nl/friesland/om-meisje-16-uit-leeuwarden-meermalen-verkracht-tijdens-vermissing-br~a8ab72c7/ The defendant(s) in this case are assisted by:
The Public Prosecutor's Office (OM) wants Sjaak S. of Baarlo to spend three months in jail for abusing
The Public Prosecutor's Office (OM) wants Sjaak S. of Baarlo to spend three months in jail for abusing
https://www.rtlnieuws.nl/nieuws/nederland/artikel/4721116/advocaten-strafbaar-stellen-seksuele-intimidatie-onhaalbaar The defendant(s) in this case are assisted by:
Terminally ill abuse suspect Leon D. (71) will not be prosecuted. On Monday morning, the judge decided to suspend his prosecution because