1. best criminal lawyer to oppose corona fine
2. criminal lawyer to oppose corona fine
3. criminal case opposes corona fine lawyer
Corona fine? Resist!
It has been announced by the Prosecutor's Office that a large number of corona files are not in order. The corona files contain errors or are incomplete. Very remarkably, almost no one is taking legal action against these issued corona fines. Have you received a fine for violation of corona measures? It is possible that mistakes were also made in your case. There is a call from legal scholars - not without reason - to file an opposition to imposed corona fines. Our attorneys can advise and assist you in filing an opposition to the imposed corona fine.
In what cases can you receive a so-called corona fine?
The coronavirus outbreak has completely changed daily life since mid-March. To combat the spread of the virus, a range of emergency measures have been put into effect. These emergency measures have been laid down by mayors in so-called "emergency ordinances. The rules in those emergency ordinances determine your and our daily lives to a great extent. For example, it is forbidden for three or more people to hold themselves up without observing a minimum distance between them of 1.5 meters. In addition, organizing or participating in gatherings is prohibited, such as organizing an illegal party.
What is a criminal charge?
If the prosecutor believes you are guilty of violating the corona measures, he may impose a "corona fine" on you. This is called a criminal mentioned. You will then receive a letter from CJIB describing the punishment imposed by the Public Prosecutor's Office. This sentencing takes place without the intervention of a judge. If you do not oppose the punishment order, you are obliged to comply with the punishment.
Does violating coronagraphs affect your Certificate of Good Conduct (VOG)?
If you accept the punishment order and pay the corona fine, you no longer have to go to court. This does mean that your guilt is established. As a result, this will be noted on your criminal record (Judicial Documentation). This means that the criminal conviction will be taken into account if you have a Certificate of Good Conduct (VOG) application. Dienst Justis, the agency that evaluates your VOG application, has indicated that it cannot say in advance whether corona violations will prevent the issuance of a VOG. Refusal of a VOG depends on your personal circumstances and on the specific job or internship for which you are applying for the VOG. So keep in mind that corona violations can (potentially) cause problems in finding an internship or a new job.
Can you oppose an imposed corona fine?
As mentioned above, a fine for violation of corona measures is called a penalty order. You can file an objection to a penalty notice. You have 14 days from the time you receive the punishment order to do so. Your objection will then be assessed by the public prosecutor. If he sees no reason to nullify the penalty order, your case will be submitted to the district judge. The district attorney will then have to prove that you were guilty of violating the corona penalty. The district judge will ultimately decide whether this offense can be proven and what punishment (if any) should follow.
Does it make sense to oppose a corona fine?
It cannot be said in advance whether the filing of an opposition will result in the cancellation of the corona fine. At present, the courts have not yet had to rule on imposed corona fines. This is not surprising, as figures show that very few people take legal action against imposed corona fines. This while the Public Prosecutor's Office has brought out that a large number of corona fines are not in order because the corona files contain errors or are incomplete. Keep in mind that such errors may have been made in your case as well. If the offense cannot be legally and convincingly proven by the prosecutor, acquittal should follow.
Why is it wise to hire an attorney if you want to oppose a corona fine?
Never accept a criminal summons before speaking with your criminal lawyer. This is because paying a coronagraph fine has consequences for your criminal record and, therefore, for your future. We will help you avoid these adverse consequences. Your criminal lawyer will examine whether there is sufficient evidence against you. We will also look at whether the coronagraph file prepared in your case contains errors or is incomplete. If it cannot be proven that you were guilty of violating the corona measures, you should be acquitted. Even in case there is enough evidence against you, highlight our specialists your (personal) circumstances in a way that maximizes the chances of success. At the earliest possible stage, please contact us without obligation. contact with us.
What are the costs of filing an opposition to a corona fine and subsequent proceedings?
Failure to comply with corona measures is considered a violation. For violations, it is in principle not possible to provide pro bono legal assistance. When contesting a corona fine, we can therefore only assist you on a paying basis. In many cases it is possible to make a fixed price agreement. If you are curious what we can do for you, you can always contact us without any obligation.
Are you looking for a criminal lawyer specializing in Opposition to corona fine?
Then contact us immediately for legal assistance in Opposition to corona fine.
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People who have been fined for violating the emergency ordinance put in place because of the corona outbreak can have that