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The nine terror suspects arrested last week in Eindhoven on suspicion of preparing and training for
The nine terror suspects arrested in Eindhoven last week will remain in pretrial detention for an additional two weeks. The examining magistrate
Police arrested nine men yesterday in Eindhoven, they are suspected of preparing and training for a
EINDHOVEN - Police arrested nine men early Thursday morning in Eindhoven on suspicion of preparing and training
Nine men suspected of preparing a terrorist crime were arrested in Eindhoven yesterday. The suspects are
Two men from Zoetermeer were sentenced to prison terms of six years for participating in the terrorist movement Islamic State and for
ROTTERDAM - Two men from Zoetermeer were sentenced Tuesday to prison terms of six years for planning a terrorist attack.
In a terrorism investigation, the National Public Prosecutor's Office (Landelijk Parket van het Openbaar Ministerie (OM)) today handed down 9 years of imprisonment in the Rotterdam District Court