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https://nos.nl/artikel/2285824-terrorismeverdachten-arnhem-groep-naar-pieter-baan-centrum.html The defendant(s) in this case are assisted by:
30-year-old Maastricht jihadist Mohamed G. is no longer suspected of involvement in a kidnapping in South Africa that ended fatally. G.
https://www.rtlnieuws.nl/nieuws/nederland/artikel/4555246/verdachten-wilden-geen-aanslag-plegen-alleen-spelen-met The defendant(s) in this case are assisted by:
https://www.rtlnieuws.nl/nieuws/nederland/artikel/4544821/een-kus-op-de-kalasjnikov-zo-oefenden-terrorismeverdachten-een The defendant(s) in this case are assisted by:
https://www.gelderlander.nl/arnhem/arnhemmer-stuurt-geld-naar-broer-in-kalifaat-10-maanden-cel-geeist~a9cf9bd3/ The defendant(s) in this case are assisted by:
The prosecution is going to ask the U.S. FBI if that agency has any other data on the tape of the
https://nos.nl/artikel/2252404-grote-aanslag-in-nederland-verijdeld-dit-is-wat-we-weten.html The defendant(s) in this case are assisted by:
https://www.ad.nl/rotterdam/rotterdamse-oum-z-25-ik-ging-naar-is-maar-het-had-ook-australie-kunnen-zijn~a2edd8f92/ The defendant(s) in this case are assisted by: