Murder and manslaughter

Weening criminal lawyers has specialized lawyers in terms of Murder and manslaughter. For urgent cases, our lawyers are available 24 hours a day nationwide.

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Murder and manslaughter criminal lawyer

1. best criminal lawyer for murder and manslaughter

2. attorney criminal law for murder and manslaughter
3. criminal murder and manslaughter lawyer

What is the difference between murder and manslaughter?

For manslaughter to be proven, it must be established that a person intentionally took another person's life.

If it is also established that the accused acted with premeditation, it is a case of murder. So the difference between murder and manslaughter is that murder is premeditated and manslaughter is not.

What is premeditation?

In order for premeditation to be proven, it must be proven that the defendant had time beforehand to think calmly about his decision. According to established case law, premeditation occurs when "the defendant was able to contemplate for some time the decision to be made or the decision taken and he did not act in an instantaneous state of mind, so that he had the opportunity to think about the meaning and consequences of his intended act and to account for it. A clear example of murder is liquidation.

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What are the penalties for murder and manslaughter?

For sentencing purposes, it makes a big difference whether murder or manslaughter is proven. Murder carries a term of imprisonment of up to 30 years or life imprisonment. Manslaughter carries a sentence of up to 15 years in prison.

Many factors are important to the amount of punishment imposed by the judge in murder or manslaughter cases. These include how the crime was committed, the defendant's person, the defendant's relationship with the victim and the defendant's criminal history.

It is difficult to estimate what sentence the judge will impose upon a finding of proof. It is very important for a defendant to choose the right trial attitude from the very first moment. The lawyers at Weening Criminal Lawyers can advise you in this on the basis of extensive experience.

What can a criminal lawyer do if you are suspected of murder or manslaughter?

The first thing a specialized criminal lawyer will examine when assisting a murder or manslaughter suspect is whether there is evidence against the defendant.

The first thing a specialized criminal lawyer will examine when assisting a murder or manslaughter suspect is whether there is evidence against the defendant. In practice, it has been found that much can be gained by the defense on the issue of premeditation. This is because in determining whether there was premeditation, the judge can take into account so-called contraindications. These are indications that indicate that the defendant did not act with premeditation. Such contraindications exist, for example, if the defendant acted in violent temper or if the defendant proceeded to act immediately after his decision.

It often happens that a suspect acts in self-defense. In that case, it will be necessary to examine whether a defense of self-defense can be put forward. Such a defense must be carefully constructed and for a good chance of success, the moment at which a suspect presents it is often crucial. In the past, we have successfully represented clients who had committed murder by invoking storm.

If the judge does get around to imposing a sentence, proper guidance to the hearing is very important. Our attorneys will prepare you for what to expect so that you are not surprised at the hearing.

Why a specialized criminal lawyer?

In each criminal case it is important that the accused receive assistance from a specialized criminal lawyer. In murder and manslaughter cases all the more so given the complexity of the case and the high stakes for the defendant.

Indeed, the question of whether there was intent and premeditation of the life deprivation has not proved to be easy to answer in legal practice. This is a legally very complex matter. We therefore believe that a suspect should not be assisted by a (picket) lawyer, but should be assisted by an experienced and specialized criminal lawyer. A lawyer who knows which legal and factual aspects in murder and manslaughter (can) be decisive. As a result, nothing is overlooked and all relevant defenses are conducted. In the past, our specialists successfully represented suspects in high-profile cases. From fatal bar brawl to crime-passionate and from infanticide to liquidation.

Are you looking for a criminal lawyer?

If you or one of your loved ones is suspected of murder or manslaughter, please feel free to contact one of our criminal lawyers at 088-9336464. You can do so even if the case is in the hands of another attorney. If you feel that not everything is being done about your case, you should act immediately. The stakes are too high to wait and see. If you wish, our attorneys will immediately take over the defense from the handling attorney.

Are you looking for a criminal lawyer specializing in Murder and manslaughter?

Then contact us immediately for legal assistance in Murder and manslaughter.

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