On June 5, 2022, at 11:29 p.m., the occupant of the [address 2] in Klundert reported via 112 that there had been an argument in the dwelling at the [address 3] and she heard the neighbor crying and moaning very loudly for some time. The police arrived at the scene at 11:53 p.m. and found havoc in the residence. There were two persons lying downstairs in the residence who later turned out to be [victim 1] (hereinafter: [victim 1] ) and [victim 2] (hereinafter: [victim 2] ). Both persons had serious injuries. [victim 1] was lying on the floor, and [victim 2] on the couch/bed. On the second floor, they found an injured man who later turned out to be [victim 3] (hereinafter [victim 3] ).
How 'conflict between ex-partners' turns into series of arsons (DeStentor.nl)
He doesn't "dare light a barbecue yet," says André L. (58). Yet, according to the justice system, he was involved in five