HEERLEN - Police in Heerlen arrested a 32-year-old Purmerend resident on suspicion of aggravated assault on the night of Saturday to Sunday. The man beat up a young man on De Beitel in Heerlen. The victim received blows to the head, among other things. In the process he sustained a broken bone in his face. The injuries are so serious that police have not yet been able to determine the victim's identity. The young man is in the hospital and cannot be questioned.
The man from Purmerend has been detained on suspicion of aggravated assault. Police were unable to provide further information on the circumstances of the assault yesterday.
Man throws boiling oil over ex, badly maimed woman at trial (OmroepBrabant.nl)
The woman who was doused with boiling oil by her husband Yilmaz D. (43) in February was briefly out Wednesday